Sunday, April 27, 2008

My Walk Monday

Man I'm I loving the accountability God has given me through blogging Mondays!
Just gathering up my Bible and study books every Sunday night to get these posts going is such a wonderful time for me... and I know God is using it because the enemy attacked on Sunday last week!
I am doing better now knowing that God has given me a little insight on the "flaming arrow" that hit me.

I noticed that my enemy is threatened by my growth and he is doing his best to make me feel defeated... he wants to handicap me so I will no longer be that threat! He wants to stop my growth again. Let me tell ya - in Jesus' name - I am not the defeated one you are Satan!!! A-men ladies?!
I learned a lot in my Beth Moore study on "Ancient Ruins" this week, or generational sins. It was nice to look back not only to see the good (that I don't often see) in my mommy, but also to (possibly) find some answers as to why my dad's family is how they are. It's nice to find some positive in the situations I have been through learning that "enslaved parents teach their children how to live in bondage even with the best of intentions to do otherwise." Read this story Beth shared, it really hit me hard...
"When I was little, my nurse Dibby's cousin had a dog, just a mutt,
and the dog was pregnant. I don't know how long dogs are pregnant,
but she was due to have her puppies in about a week.
She was out in the yard one day and got in the way of the lawn mower
and her two hind legs got cut off. They rushed her to the vet and he said,
"I can sew her up, or you can put her to sleep if you want, but the puppies are okay.
She'll be able to deliver the puppies."
Dibby's cousin said, "Keep her alive."
So the vet sewed up her backside, and over the next week the dog
learned to walk. She didn't spend any time worrying, she just learned to walk by
taking two steps in the front and flipping up her backside, and then
taking two steps and flipping up her backside again. She gave birth to six little puppies,
all in perfect health. She nursed them and then weaned them.
And when they learned to walk, they all walked like her!"
I am willing to break the chains Satan has placed in the generations of my family and Satan wants to leave them there so he can choke me with them! God allowed my family to be tempted with these things, and since it is a possibility with Satan, he tries to increase the probability! He is an opportunist!
Now this promise was really awesome! In Exodus 20:5 & 6 God shows us that 3-4 generations may suffer from the sins of their fathers, but to those who love Him and keep His commandments He WILL show lovingkindness TO THOUSANDS of their generations!
This is the heaviest thing I learned this week and I feel very strongly about giving Satan NO MORE opportunities. I no longer want to cooperate with him in my lazy and careless attitude, but I want to deliberately cooperate with God.

"The blood's already been shed. Isn't it worth a little sweat and tears?"

This week's Question: What is the very first scripture you ever memorized? Or the one you first - remember - memorizing? And when was it?

My Answer: Romans 8:1
  • "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."
  • My good friend and Bible study leader shared it with me on the night of a youth home fellowship where I confessed a heavy sin I hated myself for... (Thanks Joshie for sharing this most important scripture with me.)


Anonymous said...

sorry Carolyn, I thought I had you linked up….. I fixed my error-

In HIm,


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your post, and the story about the dog and the puppies. wanted to thank you for your comment on my blog and your prayers. I feel so wiped out today, but then I think of his family (his mother and 13 yr. old son found him) and then I just pray for them. Thanks and hope you have a nice Monday

Anonymous said...

Your welcome sweetheart. :D

Anonymous said...

Amen. Satan is defeated. You keep on growing. God is using you and He has even bigger plans for you in the future.

I just found out about your Monday meme and it is such a great idea. Hopefully, I’ll remember to join in next week.

Anonymous said...

I’m so proud!!! Amen sister! God is so using you to defeat the enemy, be our example. It is so wonderful to understand how the puppies learned from there mother! Praying with you to rebuke Satan - Father don’t allow him to choke this family any longer. & Priasing with you that now you understand He shows loving kindness to thousands who love Him and keep His commandments… praising you’re shutting doors and not allowing Satan any more opportunities.
God Bless, HL

Anonymous said...

After reading the details about this meme,I realized that what I had written for Monday, could be used - since it is a prayer request. So I joined in after all.