Thursday, February 26, 2009

Picture a Day

February 20: One of my family's best-good friends had a baby on the 18th, whom I saw, but my husband didn't see till his lunch break on the 19th, and I took my kids to see him on the 20th! This was what we were up to in the waiting room while the baby was getting a hearing test :)....

February 21: On Saturday was my lil' brother's welcome home party! Home from where you say?... he was in the hospital for almost 4 months! More party photos HERE. My info HERE.

February 22: Just a photo of what I do to my daily devotional books!! :) This one is 'A Jewelry Box of Joy' by Gail Mays and it has been REALLY good so far!

February 23: This is a drawing both my daughter and I contributed to ;)... she insisted on me taking a photo of it!

February 24: The ATTACK of the girl scout COOKIEEEEEESS!!! Ahhh!!! I think I have eaten a whole package already!!! SAMOAS!!!! MMMM!!!!

February 25: MMMM! Again... this was a recreation of something God helped me make a couple Fridays ago. I planned on Baked Zitti but I didn't have the ground turkey or the ricotta cheese, so I just started cooking away with whatever sounded good to make it into a casserole...
I cooked about 5 frozen chicken breasts, half of white onion, a whole green bell pepper (I think it tasted better the first time with red), sliced mushrooms, garlic powder, salt, pepper, and some sour cream! I boiled some rigatoni, stuck it all in a casserole dish and melted mozzarella and shredded parmesan cheese on top... yummo!

February 26: TODAY! I am planning a little getaway for my 8th Anniversary next week!! Praise the Lord for His provision and His guidance... I am soo sooo excited!!!


Anonymous said...

cake looks yummy and Samoas??? i want some =)

Kimberly said...

Happy Anniversary early! That looks like a fabulous place to getaway. The cookies DO look Yumm-o!

More Than Words said...

I love looking at your PAD's!! You take such awesome pictures!!!

How fun for you and hubs to get away!!!!!!