Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Late My Walk Monday

My Walk Monday
I am here for this week - and I even had Schotzy from Wings of Eagles join me last week - stop by and encourage her as well ladies.

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I've had a slow and mostly unproductive week this week. I can't believe tomorrow is already Thursday and still don't have Monday's laundry done. Let alone Monday's blog post :).

I am just glad for the fact I am really SEEING God's protecting hand on my daily walk. When I am doing well I really see it as a blessing and when I am struggling I see it is probably because I have been doing well, so I have been more in my "right" mind to pray and fight.

It's always my waking hours that my enemy tries to ruin (the very beginning of) my day. It starts with a bad night of sleep, bad dreams, waking up thinking on things that are not right, pure and lovely (Philippians 4:8). Then I am half asleep and already reacting in my mind to the wrong thoughts. Already sinning before I step - then I am thinking ""so much for "new every morning!"" Ha! That thought - the trapped worked!

But Jesus reminds me I am justified, I am covered in His cleansing blood and am white as snow. This for me has been a HUGE part of fighting my battles. Realizing the love that is SO unconditional. Receiving the gift the has hung in front of me before that I would fully accept as mine. Instead of say "He wouldn't want me, I'm not good".

I am His, He has chosen me.
He has my heart and just wants me to accept that and thank Him with all I am.

So now I say - I will find the things that grieve You and change. I will find the things that bless You and please You, I will search for Your heart and as I do I pray You give me the strength to follow. Teach me to discipline my flesh as a sacrifice.

I WILL praise You Lord for Your unconditional LOVE. As Your love changes everything I am I pray that I would bring You glory. That my family, my kids, my loved ones would see something more than me! That they would see You here, here in my heart, here in my live, here in my walk.

I love Your Lord.

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