Monday, April 05, 2010

Menu Planning...

Menu Plan Monday

Last week was my first week joining this Meme.
It went well, the very first night was a hard start because we had a doctor's appointment out of town and got home late. We were tired and my hubby offered to cook what I had planned, but I told him no, I sucked it up and made the tacos. They were great for friday's leftover night and there was even enough meat to freeze for another meal this week, from only 1 & 1/4 pound of turkey meat! :) My husband loved the new Rosemary Turkey Meatloaf and the Chicken Taquitos as well, it was a blessing to bless him and it was actually kinda fun! :)

Here are this week's plans - I will cross then out as they happen.....

Tuesday: (Moved from last Sunday)
Here's some photo proof :)...

  • Pasta with ground Turkey and spaghetti sauce
  • side - salad / veggies
  • Leftover Night
  • Stir fry with chicken sausage over white rice.
  • no side
Saturday: (Moved to Monday - had McDonald's instead)
  • Tacos with (leftover) ground turkey, lettuce, tomato, cheese and sour cream
  • side - frozen veggies
Sunday: (Moved to Tuesday - had frozen pizza instead)
  • Frozen pre-made baked zitti
  • side - garden salad
Monday: (Had Saturday's meal instead)
  • Beans & Rice with chicken, cheese and tomatoes :) - this is a favorite of mine
  • side - frozen veggies

1 comment:

SnoWhite said...

Sounds like a tasty week! I'm interested in your favorite beans & rice with chicken, cheese and tomatoes recipe... I might be able to get my hubby to eat beans with that combo! Anything special you add to this recipe?